Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Day Issue Has Got Some...Issues

Things might be a bit sporadic on my end for a while because my computer (rest in peace) finally passed away over the weekend. It's about 5-years-old so it wasn't completely unexpected, but it still throws thing out of sorts with all my images saved on the computer, and not all of them backed-up. The good thing is I've got more money than Scrooge McDuck so replacing it won't be a hassle (shakes head sadly from side to side).

I apologize in advance if it takes me a while to get recent trades posted (much to Thorzul's delight) as I will have to re-scan numerous cards in order to do justice to the generosity of fellow bloggers.

Thanks to Night Owl and Mr. Scott, both of whom I recently received cards from; I'll make sure to share what you sent me as soon as I can. Sorry again for the inconvenience, I know my reader(s) will be crushed. Hopefully I be back soon.

Until then...release the kraken!


  1. Good luck man! We had a bunch of computer trouble this weekend and I feared a similar situation, but it all worked out...for now lol.

  2. I am crushed... I totally understand about losing the images... Save for the few I put on a flash drive to take to work, I have about 10,000 pics and scans that would be lost if this thing took a dump. I got an external hard drive as a X-Mas gift, but it is still in the box. I like to live dangerously and then complain. Hope to see you back soon!
